Are Push Ads Effective for CPA Marketing Are Push Ads Effective for CPA Marketing

Are Push Ads Effective for CPA Marketing?

In CPA Marketing, every click counts, making it important to pick the right channel to reach your target audience.

Push notifications have emerged as a powerful tool for engagement, but can they translate into real results for your CPA campaigns?

This article dives deep into the effectiveness of push ads for CPA marketing, exploring their potential to boost your conversion rates and maximize your return on investment.

What are Push Ads?

What are Push Ads?

Push ads are a type of native ad format that delivers ads to users’ devices. This approach offers advertisers a non-intrusive, user-friendly, and highly engaging method to reconnect and broaden their audiences.

Notably, push advertising, termed web push notification ads, is versatile for various campaigns due to its low likelihood of bot traffic, extensive global reach, and superior click-through and conversion rates compared to alternative ad formats.

Web push notifications are messages from websites, not apps, visible on both desktop and mobile devices. Clicking on these messages redirects users to a product offer or landing page, facilitating conversions. Comprising ad images and copy resembling SMS or app notifications, these interactive messages are directly delivered to users’ devices.

To receive push ads, users must opt-in. Plus, ensuring a limited number of notifications daily, they should have the option to opt out anytime. This approach ensures a balanced and consent-driven user experience.

Type of Browser and Devices that Support Push Ads 

  • Chrome, Firefox, Safari,  Edge (on both mobile and desktop), 
  • Windows, macOS, and Linux(on desktop)
  • Android (on mobile)

What is the difference between Push Notifications and Push Ads?

CriteriaPush NotificationsPush Ads Notifications
SourceGenerated by applications on user devicesOriginates from websites to subscribed users
PurposeInternal communication, updates, alertsMarketing, driving traffic to websites
AffiliationAn integral part of affiliate marketingIntegral part of affiliate marketing
Creator’s IntentPrimarily for user engagementSpecifically designed for marketing purposes
Delivery PlatformTypically mobile devicesAvailable on both desktop and mobile devices
Permission-BasedUsers opt-in to receive from specific appsCustomized per-app settings/content
Customization & ContentContent-driven toward advertising goalsContent-driven towards advertising goals
Engagement StrategyEngages users within the app ecosystemRedirects users to external websites

What is CPA Marketing?

CPA marketing, short for cost-per-action marketing, thrives on a collaborative alliance between affiliates and advertisers. In this symbiotic relationship, affiliates undertake the role of marketing providers for the advertisers.

Their earnings hinge on users or customers taking specific actions triggered by the marketing efforts. These actions encompass a variety of engagement levels, from watching videos and filling out forms to signing up for trials, obtaining quotes, and making purchases.

Essentially, CPA marketing involves three key players:

  • Advertisers who seek effective marketing avenues
  • Affiliates, the driving force behind promotional activities
  • CPA networks, facilitating the seamless coordination of these partnerships.

This dynamic model fosters a results-driven ecosystem where affiliates are rewarded based on tangible actions taken by the audience, creating a mutually beneficial landscape for all involved parties.

Are Push Ads Effective for CPA Marketing? 

Push ads can be effective for CPA marketing as they have the potential to grab users’ attention instantly, increasing the likelihood of engagement. The direct and immediate nature of push notifications allows for quick communication of promotional messages, encouraging users to take desired actions. 

5 Ways Push Ads are Effective for CPA Marketing

Direct Call-to-Action (CTA)

Push ads can include a direct and actionable CTA, prompting users to complete a specific action, such as signing up for a trial, making a purchase, or filling out a form.

For example, a fitness app can send a push notification offering a limited-time free trial with a clear “Start Your Trial Now” CTA, directly contributing to CPA goals.

Targeted Promotions for Lead Generation

CPA marketing often involves acquiring leads. Push notifications allow for targeted promotions aimed at lead generation.

A financial app, for instance, can send targeted push ads offering a free financial planning guide to users who have shown interest in budgeting or investment content, encouraging them to sign up and provide contact information.

Flash Sales and Limited-Time Offers

Push ads excel in conveying a sense of urgency, making them ideal for promoting flash sales and limited-time offers. An e-commerce platform can send push notifications about an exclusive one-day discount, driving users to make a purchase within a short time frame and contributing directly to the CPA goals.

Retargeting Abandoned Actions

Push notifications serve as effective tools for retargeting users who abandoned a specific action, such as filling out a form or completing a registration.

For CPA campaigns, a subscription-based service can send push ads reminding users to complete their registration process, potentially reducing abandonment rates and improving overall conversion rates.

Feedback and Survey Requests

Post-conversion engagement is crucial in CPA marketing.

Push ads can be used to request feedback or encourage users to participate in surveys, providing valuable insights.

For instance, a software service can send push notifications asking users to rate their experience and offer a discount on their next subscription as an incentive, contributing to customer feedback and potentially reducing churn.

Best Practice to Leverage Your Push Ads

Here are some best practices to make the most of push ads:

Platform Selection and Subscriber Management

Choose a reliable push notification platform that allows you to efficiently store and manage your subscriber base. A robust platform like LaraPush offers segmentation options to categorize subscribers based on interests, demographics, or behavior. This allows for targeted messaging and better engagement. Additionally, it should provide analytics to track performance and optimize campaigns.

Compelling Copywriting

Craft captivating copy that is concise, clear, and action-oriented, as you get a certain character limit for push notification titles and descriptions. The best copywriting resonates with your audience, addresses their pain points, and presents a clear value proposition.

Personalization and urgency often work well in push notifications to encourage clicks. For instance:

“Exclusive 24-hour sale! Get 50% off on your favorite items. Act fast!”
“Hey there! Your personalized deal is waiting. Click to claim now!”

Attractive Image

Include images in your push notifications, as visuals catch attention quickly and can convey your message more effectively than text alone. Ensure the image aligns with your brand and the offer/message you’re promoting.


In CPA marketing, push ads stand out—they seamlessly fit into users’ online experiences and bring great results.

Push ads are versatile and work well in CPA strategies. They make people act with clear prompts, generate leads, create urgency for quick sales, and bring back users who showed interest before.

Balancing user agreement, customization, and smart content delivery ensures a friendly experience, which is key for lasting success in CPA marketing.


Are push ads only effective for mobile devices?

No, push ads are versatile and can be delivered on both desktop and mobile devices. They are compatible with popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge on both platforms.

How do users subscribe to receive push ads from websites?

Users opt-in to receive push ads by subscribing to specific websites. They have control over the number of notifications they receive daily and can opt out at any time.

What is the best way to promote CPA offers?

The best way to promote CPA offers involves a strategic and diversified approach. Your strategy should be tailored to your target audience and the nature of the offer. You have to build a strategy that involves content marketing, social media marketing, push ads, paid ads, etc.

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