The Best Push Notification Frameworks for Mobile Apps The Best Push Notification Frameworks for Mobile Apps

The Best Push Notification Frameworks for Mobile Apps

Struggling to choose the perfect push notification framework for your mobile app? We’ve got you covered with the top 5 best options.

Selecting the ideal push notification framework for mobile apps can be overwhelming, especially with numerous options available in the market.

As developers ourselves, we understand this challenge and therefore, we’ve extensively researched and implemented various push notification frameworks across diverse projects to pick the best ones for you.

Based on our experience and research, we have picked the five best options that we have listed below.

What is a Push Notification Framework?

What is a Push Notification Framework?

A push notification framework is basically a set of tools, APIs, and push notification services designed to facilitate the implementation and management of push notifications in mobile applications.

These frameworks provide a streamlined approach to send notifications across various platforms, ensuring effective communication with app users.

Why Do You Need a Push Notification Framework?

Implementing push notifications manually can be complex and time-consuming.

Push notification frameworks simplify this process by offering pre-built solutions, reducing development efforts. Additionally, they provide features like cross-platform compatibility, analytics, and customization, enhancing the overall user engagement experience.

The Top 5 Best Push Notification Frameworks

Below, we have shared our best picks –

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

Amazon SNS supports app-to-app and app-to-person communication across Android, iOS, and Windows platforms through email, SMS, and in-app messages. It integrates seamlessly with other AWS services.

Powerful and flexibleRequires more initial configuration
Compatibility with AWSLacks a dedicated dashboard for non-system-generated messages
Free tier available


Airship Logo

Formerly known as Urban Airship, Airship is a comprehensive platform offering push notification services, lifecycle marketing, customer engagement, and data solutions.

It supports Android, iOS, Windows, and web platforms.

Detailed documentationBasic features in free account
Multi-tool platformSubscription plans are costly
Real-time data streaming

Firebase Cloud Messaging

Firebase- Push notification frameworks

A part of the Firebase platform, FCM is a cross-platform push notification service catering to Android, iOS, and web applications.

Seamless integration with other Firebase servicesFew features compared to other frameworks
Simple setup process
Free of charge


Expo Push Notification Framework page

Expo is a framework and platform for building universal React applications, allowing developers to create Android, iOS, and web apps with the same codebase.

Proper documentationLimited to projects built in Expo
Specifically designed for React-Native applications
Free plan available


OneSignal Logo

Founded in 2014, OneSignal is a straightforward push notification service covering iOS, Android, and web platforms, along with SMS and in-app messages.

Simple setup and integrationNew compared to other services
User-friendly SDK
Dashboard for message management and analytics

How to choose the right Push Notification Framework?

Consider these factors while choosing a push notification framework for you –

  • Platform Compatibility: Ensure the framework supports all the platforms your app targets (iOS, Android, Windows, etc.)
  • Ease of Integration: Consider the simplicity of the setup and integration process.
  • Features and Customization: Evaluate the features offered and the level of customization available.
  • Documentation: A well-documented framework simplifies development and troubleshooting.
  • Cost: Understand the pricing structure and choose a framework that aligns with your budget.


Selecting the right push notification framework is crucial for delivering timely and engaging messages to your app users. Each framework comes with its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to assess your specific needs before making a decision.


Are push notification frameworks only for large-scale applications?

No, push notification frameworks can be beneficial for apps of all sizes, offering simplified implementation and enhanced user engagement.

Are push notification frameworks free to use?

Many frameworks offer free tiers with basic features, but advanced functionalities may require a subscription or payment based on usage.

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