Why Should Businesses Schedule Push Notifications? Why Should Businesses Schedule Push Notifications?

Why Should Businesses Schedule Push Notifications?

Let’s say you have a fantastic update, a killer deal, or an exciting event coming up. You send push notifications to your audience but your audience still didn’t show up. 

But why?

Because you sent a push notification that didn’t update them at the right time. Or should we say, your audience’s right time?

It might be due to delay from your push notifications service provider end, varying time zone, etc. Whatever the reason is, you missed sales or huge traffic potential.

That’s where scheduled push notifications come in!

With scheduled push notifications, you can segment your audience, pick up the right time for each segment, and schedule it in advance as per their time zone. 

But Why Businesses Should Schedule Notifications in Advance? 

Why Schedule Business Notifications

Scheduling push notifications might not seem a big deal at first, but trust us, it is!

Here are some of the key reasons why you should schedule your push notifications. And these are actually based on the benefits our clients at LaraPush observed and reported.

Timing is Everything

For your push notifications strategy to succeed, timing and frequency of notification are everything.

If your audience is a mother who has two kids. You have recently posted a blog on “Why aluminum lunch boxes are better than plastic ones.”

So, the best time to update them about your blogs is when they are packing lunch for their kids. Which is around 9-9:30 AM for 14-17 year kids and 5-6 AM for mothers with 4-7 year kids.

Imagine sending notifications to each group one by one. It is not feasible, right?

Scheduling push notifications ensures your message drops at the moment your audience is most active and ready to engage. It’s like serving a hot pizza right when the hunger strikes – perfect timing!

Global Outreach, Local Touch

Once again, if you have a global audience, manually sending notifications is tough. While you will be sleeping around 3 AM, it would be the right time for your audience in the USA. 

Scheduling allows you to reach them in their time zone without disturbing your beauty sleep or morning coffee routine. No more waking up at 3 AM! 

Stay Consistent, Stay Relevant

Let’s take an example where, for a week, you consistently send push notifications to your audience at 8 AM. The next day at 8 AM, your audience will be waiting for an update from you. But you couldn’t due to server issues or your personal problem.

Think how disappointing it will be for them if they don’t get an update. 

You can simply resolve it by scheduling your notifications. Planning ahead, you maintain a consistent flow of communication. This keeps your audience in the loop. 

Better Experimentation, Better Optimization

Planning in advance gives you the chance to experiment with different timing and content strategies. You can optimise your timing based on the results you analyse from testing on different segments.

Steps To Schedule Your Business Posts Under 5 Minutes

Wait, is a scheduling post possible in just 5 minutes?

Well, it is.

Scheduling your notifications doesn’t have to be hard. Let’s show you how you can schedule your post in no time with LaraPush. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting you rolling:

Sign Up and Dive In

You can go to LaraPush, choose from our lifetime deal plans, register, and log into your account. 

Before we move ahead with other steps, we will guide you through the signup process.

Go to the pricing page and select the Pro one.

Seems too much? Well, the math says otherwise.

With our lifetime deal you save upto every year. While our competitors charge dollars every month, we give you unlimited notifications, unlimited domains for lifetime with just one time payment.

Once you choose your plan, proceed through the checkout. Here, you will be asked to fill in some information and make payment.

Checkout your cart

Tada! You are officially a member of the LaraPush community.

Schedule Your Notification With AutoMagic Push

From your main dashboard, go to the AutoMagic tool.

Craft Your Message

So you have the best service provider by your side. But, to truly engage with your audience, you have to create a message that appeals to their emotions. It should be short and at the same time quite impactful.

Write messages that your audience looks at and say, “I can’t resist clicking on this” 

If you are just warming up with your notifications strategy and don’t know how to write a compelling message, check out our blog on how to write the best push notification copies

Or simply get in touch with our team, and we will assist you throughout the process. 

Target Your Audience

Define who gets to see your awesome messages and when. Choose the date, time, and frequency of your push notification.

Double-Check and Schedule

Give everything a thorough look and click on schedule push notifications. 

That’s it! Leave the rest to LaraPush.

From there, it’s our job to notify your audience at the right time. 


Can I set recurring notifications with LaraPush?

Absolutely! LaraPush allows you to schedule recurring notifications, keeping your audience updated consistently.

How far ahead can I schedule notifications using LaraPush?

You can plan well in advance! LaraPush lets you schedule notifications months ahead, making it perfect for future campaigns or events.

Can I track how well my scheduled notifications perform?

Yes, you can! LaraPush offers detailed analytics, giving you insights into open rates, clicks, and conversions. This helps you fine-tune your strategy for even better engagement.

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