10 Actionable Tips To Write Appealing Push Notifications 10 Actionable Tips To Write Appealing Push Notifications

10 Actionable Tips To Write Appealing Push Notifications

write an appealing Push Notification

Push notifications are a tried and tested method for skyrocketing engagement, but you know what matters the most? How creative and appealing your push notifications are.

In this detailed guide, I will be sharing my favorite tips for writing better push notification messages –

Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial. Analyze their demographics, behaviors, and preferences.

For instance, if you’re a fashion blogger targeting young adults, notifications about trendy outfits or flash sales might work well.

Conversely, a business owner offering professional services might tailor notifications with industry-specific updates.

Understanding what resonates with your audience allows you to craft notifications that speak directly to their interests, increasing the likelihood of engagement and action.

Be Clear and Concise

In the world of push notifications, brevity is key. Capture attention with simple, easy-to-understand messages.

For instance, “Flash Sale! 50% Off All Dresses Today Only” delivers a clear message about a time-sensitive offer.

Avoid ambiguity and unnecessary words that might dilute the message’s impact, ensuring that the core information is immediately understood.

Create Urgency

Using language that induces urgency can spur immediate action.

Phrases like “Limited Time Offer,” “Ending Soon,” or “Last Chance” compel users to act swiftly.

For instance, a notification stating, “Only 2 Hours Left for Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!” prompts users to take advantage of the offer before it expires.

Offer Value

Provide value to your audience through notifications. Whether it’s sharing valuable information, exclusive deals, or useful updates, ensure that your notifications offer something worthwhile.

For instance, a cooking blog might send a notification with a quick recipe video, or a business app could notify users about a new time-saving feature.

Use Actionable Language

Craft messages that encourage action. Actionable verbs like “Discover,” “Shop,” “Save,” or “Get” prompt users to take the desired action.

For example, a travel website might use the phrase “Explore our Latest Destinations Now” to encourage users to click and explore the new travel options available.

Highlight Benefits

Communicate the benefits users will gain by engaging with your notification. Whether it’s savings, exclusive access, or valuable information, emphasize what users will get.

For instance, “Subscribe Now for Insider Tips and Exclusive Discounts” highlights the perks of subscribing.

Timing is Key

Sending notifications at optimal times is essential. Analyze when your audience is most active and receptive.

For instance, a food delivery app might send notifications during lunch or dinner hours to catch users when they’re likely to order food.

A/B Testing

Experiment with different message formats, tones, or timing to understand what resonates best with your audience.

For instance, test variations of the same notification to see if a more direct or softer tone generates better engagement.

Maintain Consistency

Ensure a consistent tone and style across your notifications. Consistency reinforces brand identity and aids in instant recognition.

Whether it’s the use of emojis, a specific writing style, or a branded tagline, maintain uniformity across your notifications.

Avoid Overloading

Respect your users’ attention by not bombarding them with too many notifications. Find the right balance between staying engaged and avoiding annoyance.

Understand the frequency that works best for your audience to keep them interested without overwhelming them with excessive alerts.

Why should you

Why does your Push Notification Copy Matter? 

Ever wonder why having killer push notification messages is so crucial? Let’s break it down for you in simple terms.

  • Attention-Grabbers: Great push notification copies are like magnets for eyeballs. They snag attention instantly, making sure your message stands out in the sea of notifications people get every day.
  • Engagement Boosters: When your notification copy is spot-on, it sparks curiosity and encourages clicks. That means more folks checking out your content or offers, which is a win-win for you!
  • Clear & Compelling: Awesome copies deliver the message crystal clear. They’re short, snappy, and to the point, compelling your audience to take action without any confusion.
  • Building Connections: Believe it or not, witty or helpful notification copies can create a connection with your audience. They add personality and make your brand memorable.
  • Drive Traffic: A well-crafted message can lead directly to increased traffic on your website or app. It’s like guiding people to where the action is happening!

So, having amazing push notification copies isn’t just about words—it’s about making sure your audience feels intrigued, understood, and eager to see what you’ve got going on. Trust me, nailing those short and sweet messages can work wonders for your blog or business!

5 Common Mistakes That Marketers Make While Writing Push Notification Messages

5 Common Mistakes That Marketers Make While Writing Push Notification Messages
  • Lack of Personalization: Failing to personalize notifications is a missed opportunity. Users are more likely to engage with messages tailored to their preferences or behavior. Personalization can include using their name, referencing their past interactions, or recommending content based on their interests. Not personalizing messages may result in reduced relevance and lower engagement rates.
  • Ignoring Segmentation: Failing to segment your audience leads to sending generic messages to everyone, missing out on targeting specific user groups. Utilise segmentation based on demographics, behavior, or preferences to send more relevant notifications. For instance, a fashion brand might send different notifications to users interested in women’s clothing versus those interested in men’s fashion.
  • Not Localising Content: Overlooking localization can lead to notifications that feel disconnected or irrelevant to users in different regions or languages. Tailor messages to match local preferences, cultural nuances, or language preferences. A notification that resonates in one region might not have the same impact in another.
  • No Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Forgetting to include a clear and compelling call-to-action diminishes the effectiveness of your notifications. Ensure your messages prompt users to take a specific action, whether it’s to “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” “Subscribe,” or “Claim Your Offer.” A well-defined CTA directs users on what step to take next.
  • Disregarding Analytics and Feedback: Ignoring analytics and user feedback prevents you from understanding what works and what doesn’t. Analyze metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and user responses to refine your notification strategy. Pay attention to user feedback to identify areas for improvement and adjust your messaging accordingly.

Best Push Notification Copy Examples

The New York Times

The New York Times: Best Push Notification Copy Examples

The New York Times utilized a strategically crafted web push notification to notify subscribers about breaking news or significant updates. Their notifications often included brief yet compelling headlines, enticing readers to click and delve deeper into the story.

By maintaining a balance between urgency and informative content, The New York Times effectively engaged users, showcasing the power of delivering timely and relevant news updates via web push notifications.



Airbnb implemented personalized web push notifications based on user’s search history and preferences. They notified users about new listings or special offers in their desired travel destinations.

By leveraging personalization, Airbnb created a sense of exclusivity and relevance, encouraging users to explore potential accommodation options further. This approach exemplifies the effectiveness of tailoring notifications to individual interests, driving user engagement and conversions.


CNN push notification copy example

CNN employed web push notifications to provide users with real-time updates on various news categories, including politics, entertainment, and global events. Their notifications were concise, direct, and aligned with users’ interests, offering snippets of breaking news to prompt further engagement.

CNN’s approach demonstrated the significance of delivering bite-sized, informative content through web push notifications, keeping users informed and engaged with current events.


Pinterest push notification copy example

Pinterest utilized web push notifications to notify users about personalized content recommendations, such as new pins or boards based on their interests. By delivering tailored content suggestions directly to users, Pinterest effectively encouraged exploration and increased user interaction within the platform.

This example highlights the effectiveness of leveraging web push notifications for content discovery, fostering user engagement, and driving platform activity.



Slack employed web push notifications to facilitate real-time communication and collaboration among teams. Their notifications alerted users about new messages, mentions, or activity within their Slack channels, ensuring timely responses and fostering a sense of connectivity.

Slack’s use of web push notifications as instant communication tools showcases the importance of delivering immediate updates to enhance productivity and streamline teamwork.

Closing Comments

There you have it – a detailed article covering the best tips for writing appealing push notifications.

LaraPush introduces an innovative Custom Prompt feature, offering users the ability to personalize prompts with their logo, custom headings, subheadings, and button texts.

This groundbreaking feature enables brands to create a tailored prompt that reflects their unique identity and resonates with their audience’s preferences.

But that’s not all – LaraPush takes it a step further by allowing the removal of the deny button, streamlining the subscription process for users. This bold move encourages higher subscription rates by presenting users with an engaging prompt and a simplified decision-making process.

With LaraPush, the focus is on empowering businesses to leverage this feature to its full potential, ensuring that users are enticed to subscribe seamlessly. By emphasizing exclusivity and uniqueness, LaraPush positions itself as a tool that enables brands to stand out in the crowded landscape of push notification services.

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